Monthly Archives: November 2012
Cloud Finance
CloudOrigin hosts Finance and Investment Forum panel [December 2012]
Fantastic to meet the dis…
CloudOrigin: Fantastic to meet the distinguished fellow judges for BroadGroup #Datacentre Europe 2013 Awards #cloud
Great to see CIOs embraci…
CloudOrigin: Great to see CIOs embracing #Cloud and #BYOD device strategies at Cloud Circle #TCCForum
The Cloud Circle Case Study
CloudOrigin demonstrates a radical enterprise cloud adoption strategy [November 2012]
Great to see high growth,…
CloudOrigin: Great to see high growth, high revenue European and Israeli internet firms fiverr, Holidaycheck, Wix, Candex, …
#mobile app marketing is…
CloudOrigin: #mobile app marketing is still in infancy, creating the app is the easy part say #NOAH12 …
Looking forward to #NOAH1…
CloudOrigin: Looking forward to #NOAH12 conference and #TheCloudCircle events in London this week #cloud #VC